
No upcoming events at this time, please check back later.

Past Events

BasisTech Alumni Social

The people who worked at BasisTech over the last 28 years are what made it a special place. BasisTech is organizing a social event for a reunion of employees, partners and friends on April 6, 2024. The events will run from afternoon through evening.

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Startup Pitch Night

​Please join us for BasisTech Startup Pitch Night, held on April 4 at our office in Somerville, MA. We’re inviting our network to meet a new group of founders. ​Please join us to meet early-stage startups, exchange ideas and leads, and build mutually supportive relationships.

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Davis Square LLM Meetup

BasisTech hosts this in-person meetup for people interested in connecting to learn more about LLMs together. Whether you are an entrepreneur, engineer, or data scientist working to build new models, better solve old problems or tackle new ideas, we invite you to join us.

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Davis Square LLM Meetup

We will be ringing in the New Year with two intriguing talks by veteran AI practitioners.

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